#075 Extra - The Domino Effect
Allan Savory on addressing climate change, megafire & desertification
This is a special extra to episode 75 with Allan Savory. We delve further here into a few areas that have been pivotal to Allan’s pioneering life. It starts with a little exchange on how wilderness and livestock-based agriculture can regenerate country together (and where they can’t). Then we turn to the wilderness within, going back to the incredibly formative time Allan experienced as a tracker. And another as the leader of the opposition party in Rhodesia, before being forced into political exile.
All this unexpectedly led to meeting his wife Jody Butterfield, setting in tow a partnership that would change the world. We wind up here with more on what success (and failure) looks like, including holistically managing government.
Allan Savory delivering his famous TED talk.
“The change is very very close.”
Get more:
You can hear the rest of our conversation in the main episode, ‘Regenerating Civilisation: Allan Savory on holistic management, scaling up & a sense of survival’.
You’ll find a series of photos and links on that web page too.
Gone Clear, by William Tyler off his album Modern Country.