#055 Will this State Lead the Way Beyond GDP?
A Ministerial presentation by Mike Salvaris
Mike Salvaris is a global leader in the development of measures that go beyond the gross inadequacies of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), to give us a better picture of our society’s wellbeing or genuine progress. That is, how we’re tracking against what we actually value most – like quality of life, trustworthy institutions, and the health of our families, communities and the rest of the living world.
Mike Salvaris, Director of the Australian National Development Index. Source: supplied.
“It is an essentially democratic question to decide what kind of society we live in. And the measures that we use become very powerful in determining that. If we don’t get the measures right, or we’re measuring the wrong thing, we’re not measuring the society we want, we’re just following the measures. We’re valuing what we measure, rather than measuring what we value.”
Mike has advised governments, co-founded the OECD Global Progress Research Network, and is Director of the Australian National Development Index (ANDI). You might recall him from episode 48 last year, where he joined the live conversation in Perth with Dr Katherine Trebeck, the UK-based author central to the global Wellbeing Economy Alliance.
Mike was in town at the time for high level talks about the prospect of a pilot running of ANDI in Western Australia. A few months later, he was invited back to make the comprehensive case to Ministers and cross-departmental staff, with ANDI Ambassador and former Australian of the Year, Professor Fiona Stanley.
What was presented that day was in many ways the collation of a life’s work – culminating in this prospect. You’ll hear the main part of the presentation here – a concise yet comprehensive overview of what the OECD has affirmed to be a growing global movement beyond GDP, and how ANDI offers Australia an opportunity to join in.
There’s also a special extra to this episode pertaining directly to the proposal being made for Western Australia, complete with next steps.
A wonderful e-book of this presentation was also published last week, so while you don’t need to, if you would like to follow the visuals as you listen, you’ll find the link to a free download of the book below.
With thanks to the Minister David Templeman, Director General Duncan Ord and especially to Jodie Holbrook, Liz Toohey, Yvette Peterson and Carol Hodgen at the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries. Thanks also to Gareth Andersen & Janith Lokuge for valued assistance with the recording.
Title slide pic: cartoon by Australian National Living Treasure, Michael Leunig, with which Mike opens his presentation.
Get more:
Listen to the special extra to episode 55, on The Western Australian Development Index.
Australian National Development Index.
The freely downloadable e-book of Mike’s presentation.
Theme music:
The System, by the Public Opinion Afro Orchestra.