#010 Rescoping Progress & the Good Life
Anthony James & Keith Badger hosted by Cynthia Lim at Seymour FM
We’ve had a few people ask to hear more about us, so today we’re turning the tables. This time, we’re the guests - in conversation with radio show host, regenerative farmer & good food advocate, Cynthia Lim, at Seymour FM.
Blue Tongue Berries farm. Pic: Anthony James.
“What’s it all for? What are we aspiring to do? So first step with a new economy in a respect, and from a systems point of view, if you’re looking for a new system, is to say ‘what’s the goal of the system?’ The sort of proxy goal ... is the GDP growth thing, and profit and money ... but what’s that for?”
Cynthia and her partner Nick have left the ‘rat race’ and set up a regenerative farm and stay operation together in Seymour - about 100 k’s north of Melbourne. When Cynthia got wind we were coming through her neck of the woods on our way to the New Economy Conference recently, she kindly asked us to drop in for a chat for her local Seymour FM radio show – The Food Exchange.
The talk was about the new economy, experiences of living more meaningful lives with less, and just how a former corporate executive (Keith), and a former corporate-backed scholar (Anthony), came to ‘see the light’ and join the movement for change to the systems in which we live.
As the afternoon shadows stretched across the hillside, Anthony and Keith headed into the studio at the Blue Tongue Berries farm in Seymour, for this chat with Cynthia Lim.
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The Food Exchange - Passionate community food group with a radio show, promoting local, ethical food. Their by-line? We don't buy food from strangers!
Let Them Know, by the Public Opinion Afro Orchestra.